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How my longtime Mantra became my Word for the Year 2023

Updated: Jan 1

Peace, Love and Harmony has been the mantra for many years.

An inner knowing, and foundation that has evolved and changed ever so subtly and slightly, for example, the order...what comes first, peace or love?

And the prefixes of each one...currently: Cultivate Peace, Be In Love, Live in Harmony.

So...its the cusp of the new year and I'm in deep reflection, taking time to review the past few months, the last cycle, the previous year. I am reminded that my word for 2022 was Simplify. I began the year with high hopes, enthusiasm and a ton of potential waiting to be poured into a solo business venture. I am reminded of the clients, events, and the people I have met. I am reminded of the planning, preparation, late nights, early starts, technological mishaps, the doubt, and obstacles, the learning curves. I am reminded of the elation, the collaboration, the successes. I know that this word will follow me through into 2023, still a work in progress to uncomplicate and make things simple. To untangle the knots that I create, to Pause and take a step back.

What's Your Word for The Year 2023?

“How do I choose, find or settle on a word that encapsulates and sums up what I will do, want to do, and aim to do?”

PAUSE...take a moment to breathe, become embodied, allow the thoughts, feel,

Did you find it?

Within this scene of reflection I saw myself in adolescence, and young adulthood searching for Peace, in my busy home. During my early parenting years I was desperate for Peace, looking for it outside of me. When my father died I was crying out for Peace and quiet, an end to the chaos. I wanted it all to stop, I needed to get off the hamster wheel, to discontinue, to cease, to put it ALL down...

I have learned that Peace did not come from stamping my feet and demanding, it did not materialise out of my fears and tears, I recognised that my experiences had awoken in me a deep desire to bring Peace into existence.

It's the first part of the mantra I chose so long ago.

Peace is #CREATED, #CULTIVATED, #NURTURED and #NOURISHED it is brought about through my #thoughts, #words and #actions.

Over the past 12 years...

I have been experimenting

I have been releasing

I have been clearing, defining, redefining, exploring, assessing and feeling onto what Peace means to me!

I know that I will continue to do this, cycling through the seasons of emotions, people and experiences. CULTIVATING PEACE within me and in my Life.

I found it...

“A word to frame, represent, affirm, revisit, set the tone, challenge, and acknowledge during the coming year.”

My word is LOVE

This rising I wrote in my journal down the elements and expressions of Love that have meaning to me. I also felt into the vibration of Love, and all that I wish to explore and experience this Year.

Love is...Eternal

From the poem my Gran gave me in my teens, to the numerous signs, symbols and visual reminders that I have filled every room my home with #loveisallaroundme

All embracing and encompassing, It has always been there, it is unlimited and accessible always. I had built up barriers to Love, created a wall of protection around my heart.

Cultivating Peace and establishing boundaries has led me back to Love. I am ready!

I imagine Love emanating from my heart space, flowing through my arms, wrapping around me, and extending in all directions. I trust you feel it too xx

HUGE thanks to @lizvowles for our weekly discussions over the past two years.

Do you have a word for the year?

Has this stirred your curiosity to discover a word that resonates with you?

Connect with me I would LOVE to know 💚

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